Oct 21 2014

Get a Sculpted Stomach with the Mini Tummy Tuck Technique

A slender woman's abdomenDespite diet and exercise, stubborn belly fat and excess skin can be impossible to get rid of. The mini tummy tuck is a great option for those who wish to get rid of that last bit of stomach fat and skin that just won't go away. Mini tummy tuck surgery can create a sculpted, slim abdomen with a smaller incision and faster recovery time than traditional tummy tucks. To find out if a mini tummy tuck is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Pasadena plastic surgeon Dr. Gloria de Olarte.

What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

The mini tummy tuck surgery is a less invasive abdominoplasty procedure suitable for patients with minimal excess stomach skin and fat isolated to the lower abdomen, commonly called the “post-baby pouch.” Mini tummy tucks, also called mini abdominoplasty, have a shorter recovery time than traditional tummy tucks, less scarring, and are less invasive.

The Mini Tummy Tuck Technique

As stated prior, the mini tummy tuck procedure is less invasive than traditional tummy tuck. This is because less fat and skin are removed and a smaller incision is usually required.  Mini tummy tucks are performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with minimum sedation. Though the length of the incision will depend on the amount of skin being removed, incisions are generally smaller than those required in traditional tummy tucks and there is no scar around the navel. During the mini tummy tuck procedure, the abdominal muscles will be tightened only below the navel, and excess fat is removed with liposuction, and the skin pulled down and excess skin cut away. Once the skin is properly tightened, it is stitched in place. A drainage tube may be placed temporarily to help with healing, swelling, and fluid removal. Liposuction is performed during the mini tummy tuck to further sculpt the abdomen.

Recovery after Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

Mini tummy tuck surgery is less invasive than traditional tummy tucks; it is an outpatient procedure resulting in a faster recovery time and less scarring. In general, recovery will take one to three weeks, and depends on personal factors like healing ability. Many patients are able to return to work within the first week of recovery. However, strenuous activity should be avoided for at least three weeks and only resumed upon doctor approval. Postoperative pain is normal and can usually be alleviated with surgeon recommended pain medication. In addition to pain, swelling and bruising are to be expected. All should begin to lessen in the days following surgery. If pain or swelling increases, it is important to seek medical attention immediately as these may be signs of infection or other complication.

Candidates for Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

Mini tummy tucks are suitable for those with minimal sagging, excess abdominal skin and fat located only in the lower abdomen, beneath the navel. Candidates should be healthy enough for surgery.


Find Out More about Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery

If you have questions about mini tummy tuck surgery or other procedures, please feel free to contact Dr. de Olarte to discuss your concerns.

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